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                公司介紹 技術(shù)型人才(11)
                燕達(dá)(海門)重型裝備制造有限公司 該企業(yè)已通過營業(yè)執(zhí)照審核
                臺港澳與境內(nèi)合資 · 500 - 999人 · 石油石化天然氣
                公司介紹 技術(shù)型人才(11)


                (Haimen) Heavy Equipment Manufacturing (hereinafter referred to as “Yanda
                Haimen”), founded in 2010, covers an area of 480 acres with over 1850 current
                employese and a total investment of 1.86 billion RMB. Yanda Haimen, located in
                development zone, Haimen Port, Nantong City, has been equipped with a private
                jetty open to the international bulk ship, a maximum capacity of 50,000 MT,
                which is very strategic location and convenient transportation. Yanda Haimen is
                mainly working on comprehensively integrated operations on supply,
                manufacturing, transportation logistics and site service etc. of large modules,
                small skids, equipment (Static/rotated) and piping etc., involved in all fields
                of Oil & Gas, Energy, Chemical, Power, Environment, Mining,
                Marine(offshore), Electronic,Pharmaceutical and Food etc. Yanda
                Haimen has a very successful delivery on all projects to sixties countries all
                over the world, which have been impressed and spoke highly of by those clients.

                燕達(dá)集團(tuán)是世界領(lǐng)先的專業(yè)化模塊建造及一體化解決方案承包商,主要從事石油天然氣、能源、化工、礦業(yè)、海洋工程、水處理、電子、醫(yī)藥及食品等工程建設(shè)領(lǐng)域的各類工藝及管廊模塊制造與組裝、各類設(shè)備撬塊制造及組裝,管道預(yù)制,壓力容器制造、冷箱制造、控制室及電氣模塊制造等業(yè)務(wù)。集團(tuán)擁有燕達(dá)(海門)重型裝備制造有限公司、上海燕達(dá)建設(shè)有限公司、上海雙燕化工設(shè)備制造有限公司、燕達(dá)加拿大制造有限公司等8家各具特色的制造基地。其中燕達(dá)海門基地作為燕達(dá)集團(tuán)的核心制造中心,位于黃海之濱的江蘇省南通市海門港新區(qū),地理位置優(yōu)越;距上海浦東機場1個半小時車程,交通便捷。該基地總投資超過13億元人民幣,占地面積超過2400畝,共分4期建設(shè)。目前已建成的一期工程占地面積800畝,擁有2萬噸級和5萬噸級的深水泊位各一個,現(xiàn)代化重裝廠房13萬平方米,模塊組裝場地40萬平方米,現(xiàn)有員工2000余人,年模塊組裝能力超過12萬噸,管道預(yù)制能力超過200萬直徑英寸/年,壓力容器等各類成套設(shè)備生產(chǎn)能力100余臺套/年。公司經(jīng)過10余年的不懈努力,研發(fā)并成功應(yīng)用了全數(shù)字化智能模塊建造系統(tǒng),極大地提高了模塊建造的質(zhì)量水平和生產(chǎn)效率,并保證了項目的準(zhǔn)時交付;同時執(zhí)行最嚴(yán)格的IOGP和OHSAS HSSE標(biāo)準(zhǔn),奉行零事故的安全理念,致力于打造世界上最安全的模塊制造工廠。公司以安全的生產(chǎn)環(huán)境、卓越的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、準(zhǔn)時的產(chǎn)品交付、優(yōu)質(zhì)的客戶服務(wù),確立了行業(yè)領(lǐng)先地位,同包括殼牌Shell,埃克森美孚Exxon Mobil,通用電氣GE,西門子Siemens,空氣產(chǎn)品公司Air Products,法液空Air Liquide,沙索公司Sasol,德西尼布Technip等世界五百強公司建立了良好的長期合作關(guān)系,公司產(chǎn)品行銷北美、澳大利亞、歐洲、中東、東南亞等60多個國家和地區(qū),年產(chǎn)值逾25億多元人民幣。公司始終秉承為客戶創(chuàng)造最大價值的經(jīng)營理念,在互惠共贏的基礎(chǔ)上建立長期穩(wěn)定的合作伙伴關(guān)系,歡迎各位新老朋友及業(yè)界同仁前來洽談合作,共同發(fā)展!

                Yanda Group is a world leading
                contractor with professional module construction and integrated solution.
                Company is mainly working on comprehensively fabrication and assembly of
                various process and pipe rack modules, equipment skids, prefabrication of
                pipes, and fabrication of pressure vessels, cold box, control room, electrical
                module and other services in oil & gas, energy resources,chemical
                engineering, mining industry, ocean engineering, water treatment,electronics,
                medicine, food and other engineering construction field. Yanda Group owns totally
                8 fabrication base, each with a distinct characteristic: Yanda (Haimen) Heavy
                Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd, Shanghai Yanda Construction Co., Ltd,
                Shanghai Shuangyan Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd, Yanda Canada Manufacturing Co.,
                Ltd and so on. As a core manufacturing center of Yanda Group, Yanda Haimen lies
                in Haimen Port New Area, Nantong City of Jiangsu province, where is on the
                coast of the Yellow Sea with superior geographical location and convenient
                transportation of 1.5 hour drive away from Shanghai Pudong International
                Airport. Total investment of Yanda Haimen base exceeds 1.3 billion RMB with
                over 2,400 mu which is divided into 4 phases of construction. At present, the
                first phase already completed covers 800 mu and there are separately deep-water
                berths of 20,000 ton and 50,000 ton, 130,000 square meters modern heavy
                equipment plant and 400,000 square meter module assembly field with more than
                20,000 employees. Annual capacity of module assembly exceeds 120,000 ton and
                pipe prefabrication capacity exceeds 2 million inch diameter per year,also
                production capacity of various sets of equipment like pressure vessels reaches
                more than 100 sets each year. With more than 10 years tireless efforts, Company
                develops and succeeds in applying whole digital smart module construction
                system into production which greatly improves quality level and production efficiency
                of module construction, also ensure in-time projects delivery. Meanwhile,
                Company executes most strict standard of IOGP and OHSAS HSSE pursuing zero
                accident safety concept to be most safe module fabrication plant in the world.
                With safe production environment, outstanding product quality, in-time product
                delivery and excellent service for clients, Company establishes leading
                position and develops good and long term cooperation relationship with Shell, Exxon
                Mobil, GE,Siemens, Air Products, Air
                Liquide, Sasol, Technip and other top 500 global companies. Company products
                are sold more than 60 countries and areas such as North America, Australia, Europe, Middle East
                and South East Asia with annual production value of 2.5 billion RMB. The Company
                has always been adhering to creating most valuable business concept for clients
                and building long term and stable cooperation partnership on basis of mutual
                benefit and win. Welcome new and old friends and industry colleagues to Yanda
                to discuss cooperation and promote mutual development!













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